Friday, September 9, 2011

Self-Stitched September: Week 1 plus a bit

September 1 - a long, long, terrible, interminable, harrowing day of teaching and attending classes.  At least I looked good:

September 2 - my long awaited Day Off.  I spent it in a cafe trying to decipher an essay on translation theory, dressed like this:

September 3 - was a total wash photo-wise--we had friends over for brunch and I kicked around in my apron for most of the morning, but since I mostly didn't leave the house I didn't bother to put on an Outfit.  This challenge is making me uncomfortably aware of just how often I don't leave the house.

September 4 - I did leave the house, I promise, but forgot to take a picture.  I wore this dress beltless with blue knockoff Keds.  It was really, really hot.

September 5 - know I'm pretty sure I didn't leave the house.

September 6 - I forgot to take a picture.  But I wore this skirt with a yellow check blouse, and it was totally not my outfit's fault that I got home from work after nine and just wanted to go to sleep.

September 7 - actual clothes!  This is my windowless cell of an office, where dreams go to die, and this is me pretending to translate Egyptian poetry (my current project) although real translation involves a lot less mugging for the camera and a lot more reference texts:

Which brings us to September 8 - in which I do a Smith-college-lesbian kind of look with the second iteration of this blouse, which has not yet been blogged, and make a monkey face:

Shh, what dark circles?  I don't see any dark circles.

Stay tuned next week for more tired pictures of me.


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